Here we have a relatively fast, though memory intensive, program to find the N
th Fibonnaci Number. This uses
Prof. Edsgar W Dijkstra's algorithm as described in
this paper. In brief the idea is:
F(2n-1) = F(n-1)2 + F(n)2
F(2n) = ( 2 F(n-1) + F(n) ) F(n)
Without further ado, here we are:
# Program to compute the Nth term of the Fibonacci series.
# Rohit Krishna Kumar
# A big list to store the numbers we have already generated
fib_list = [None] * 10**5
def fib(n):
if(n == 1):
return 1
if(n == 0):
return 0
if(fib_list[n] != None):
return fib_list[n]
# By definition: Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)
if(fib_list[n-1] != None and fib_list[n-2] != None):
fib_list[n] = fib_list[n-1] + fib_list[n-2]
return fib_list[n]
# In Honour Of Fibonnaci. Dijikstra's method.
if(n % 2 == 0):
fib_list[n] = (2 * fib((n/2) -1 ) + fib(n/2))*fib(n/2)
return fib_list[n]
fib_list[n] = ((fib(((n+1)/2) - 1))**2 + (fib((n+1)/2))**2)
return fib_list[n]